
Two days training course on genotyping – phenotyping – data management and analysis in plant breeding
Place: Hotel Holiday Inn, Krizkovskeho 20, Brno, Czech Republic, Conference room BETA (first floor)

31.10.2019. Day one

“Genotyping methods and bioinformatics”

Moderators: Bernadette Julier (INRA Lusignan, France, Coordinator of the project EUCLEG, Dejan Sokolović (Institute for forage crops, Kruševac, Serbia)

  • 8:30

  • 9:00

  • 9:05

    Bernadette Julier (EUCLEG coordinator, INRA Lusignan, France)
    Project EUGLEG in few words
  • 9:20

    Lecture 1
    Leif Skot – (Head of Forage Plant Breeding, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK)
    Genetic markers in plant breeding
  • 10:40

    Coffee break
  • 11:20

    Lecture 2
    Philippe Barre – (Molecular Plant Breeder, Biotechnology and Chemistry labs Manager, Poitou-Charentes Research Centre, INRA, Lusignan, France)
    Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS): a simple method for a multitude of markers
  • 12:40

    Lunch (Hotel restaurant)
  • 14:00

    Lecture 3
    Tom Ruttink (Senior Scientist, Genomics, ILVO - Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Melle, Belgium)
    Variant calling with high-density SNP arrays
  • 15:20

    Coffee break
  • 16:00

    Lecture 4
    Isabel Roldan-Ruiz (Scientific Director, ILVO -Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Melle, Belgium)
    Applications: genetic relationships, GWAS and genomic selection
  • 17:20

    General discussion and questions
  • 18:00

    End of the first training day

01.11.2019. Day two

“Integration of passport and breeding data in existing and new databases, data analyses”

Moderators: Bernadette Julier (INRA Lusignan, France, Coordinator of the project EUCLEG, Jasmina Radović (Institute for forage crops, Kruševac, Serbia)

  • 9:00

    Lecture 1: Stefanie Kreide – (Research associate, Research Group of Genebank Documentation, IPK - Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany)
    Management of plant genetic resources data - a European approach
  • 10:20

    Coffee break
  • 11:00

    Lecture 2: Steven Maenhout (General Manager, Progeno, Zwijnaarde, Gent, Belgium)
    - Breeding Data Management in Progeno
  • 12:20

    Lunch (Hotel restaurant)
  • 14:00

    Lecture 3: Steven Maenhout (General Manager, Progeno, Zwijnaarde, Gent, Belgium)
    - Phenotypic Data Analysis
  • 15:20

    Coffee break
  • 16:00

    Lecture 4: Steven Maenhout (General Manager, Progeno, Zwijnaarde, Gent, Belgium)
    - Analysis of Genomic Data
  • 17:20

    General discussion and questions
  • 18:00

    End of the training