Registration fee, including participation to both days, material, lunches and coffee breaks, is free of charge for attendees and will be covered by EUCLEG project ( Preference in participation have attendees which are not directly involved in EUCLEG project. Number of participants is limited to 50 persons. We deeply encourage potential participants to attend the two training days.
Registration for this event is closed
Sorry, we are fully booked
Registration for this event is closed. We have encountered a lot of interest and already registered all necessary participants for Training workshop. We would like to thank all participants for prompt registration and looking forward to meeting all in Brno at the end of next October.
According to great interest we would like to inform all persons who haven’t been quick enough for registration that we will try to arrange live streaming of event, or at least to put videos with all lectures from Training workshop on website. Therefore, keep up-to-date with the information here.